Inanimate Fight-Out Wiki

Jack is a male contestant on Inanimate Fight-Out.


Jack appears to be based on the jack card shown in games like poker.


Jack is sometimes nice and calm. But he is vengeful like when he killed Ball in Episode 6 because she pushed him in fire.

Vote Status[]

Episode # Votes
"Adobe Flash Special (New Year Special)" 6 0
"Bazooka's, Villains, and Cacti Oh My" 7 97
"Get Out of the Kitchen" 12 (Didn't say the results)
"The Pizza and The Mines" 13 (Didn't say the results)
"Try To Breathe" 15 (Didn't say the results)
"Co-Operation, Make it Happen" 16 (Didn't say the results)
Total of Votes: 97


  • Jack is the only character to be in two teams in one season, he started as a member of Team Pizza, after he came back, he became a member of Team Plum.
  • Jack received the most votes in Inanimate Fight Out history,at 97.

